Älvsjöskogen Nature Reserve was Awarded the Urban Quiet Park Status on August 18, 2022
The forest forms a continuous part of an ecologically significant area for biodiversity that stretches between the extreme tips of Bornsjökilen and Hanvedenkilen.
Älvsjöskogen largely consists of steep mountains and marked fissure valleys. Hällmarkstallskog dominates on the peaks where the soil cover is thin or completely absent.
The forest has a natural forest character with a large element of dead wood, which provides the conditions for a rich biological life.
A number of coniferous forest birds such as common crow, kingbird and tufted tit are found in the area and both pigeon hawks and ravens have their nests here, while the hunting grounds can be larger.
Lesser woodpeckers are found at the wetlands and many small birds stay both in the forest and in nearby gardens.

Photo credit: Quiet Parks International
Press Contact
Gordon Hempton, Executive Director of Media Affairs, gordon@quietparks.org, cell +1-360-477-9588, Skype ID quiet.planet1