“The day will come when man will have to fight noise as inexorably as cholera and the plague.”
Quiet Parks International is a non-profit committed to saving quiet for the benefit of all life. Quiet Parks International was formerly known as the One Square Inch of Silence Foundation. QPI is a 501-c3 tax-exempt charitable organization under the Internal Revenue Service. (EIN: 83-3766591)
Our Mission
To save quiet for the benefit of all life.
Our Vision
A world that offers quiet within and without. A world where everyone has daily access to quiet and opportunities to listen to the sounds of nature. A world where the experience of quiet nature is directly linked to inner quiet, peace and joy of being.
When we save quiet, we save everything else.
Our Values
Listen: We promote awareness - we listen to nature - we listen to our inner quiet - we listen to people - we listen to different opinions and ideas.
Learn: We learn by doing, daring, trying - we let our strategies and goals be a part of our learning - we are open minded and inclusive.
Love: We love our living planet, we love the sounds of nature and we love what we do.
Quiet is Scarce
Quiet Parks International recognizes the immediate need for identifying and protecting endangered locations because quiet places are quickly becoming extinct.
97% of U.S. population is exposed to noise from aviation and highways, quiet is nearly extinct (Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics, United States Department of Transportation)
Noise is in the air: 3.979 billion passengers (2017) (Source: The World Bank)
Shipping traffic grew 400% between 1992 and 2014 (Source: oilprice.com)
90% of children will not experience natural quiet during their lifetime (Source: Personal correspondence between Gordon Hempton and Paul Bogard)
Researchers estimated as many as 17% of teens (ages 12 to 19) have features of their hearing test suggestive of noise induced hearing loss in one or both ears, based on data from 2005-2006. (Source: National Institute of Health)
Noise is Harmful
Noise pollution refers to unwanted or excessive sound that can be harmful to human health and the environment. The effects of noise pollution can be both physical and psychological, including:
Hearing Loss: Prolonged exposure to loud noise can damage the delicate structures of the inner ear, leading to hearing loss.
Stress and Anxiety: Constant exposure to noise can lead to feelings of stress, anxiety, and frustration, and negatively impact overall well-being.
Sleep Disturbance: Noise pollution can disrupt sleep, leading to fatigue, irritability, and decreased productivity.
Cardiovascular Problems: Noise pollution has been linked to increased blood pressure, heart rate, and risk of heart disease.
Reduced Cognitive Function: Noise pollution can negatively impact cognitive performance, such as memory and attention.
Environmental Damage: Noise pollution can disrupt wildlife behavior, migration patterns, and communication, leading to a decline in biodiversity.
Decreased Property Values: Excessive noise can lower the value of real estate, making it more difficult to sell homes and property.
In conclusion, noise pollution can have serious consequences for human health and the environment, making it important to reduce and manage exposure to excessive sound.
(Sources: World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorder, The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Scientific journals such as Environmental Health Perspectives, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, and the Journal of Environmental Psychology.)
Benefits of Quiet
Listening to silence and nature sounds can have several benefits on the mind, body, and spirit, including:
Relaxation: Silence can help reduce stress and promote relaxation, allowing the mind and body to rest and rejuvenate.
Improved Focus: Without the distractions of noise, it becomes easier to focus, concentrate and improve mental clarity.
Better Sleep: Silence can help improve the quality of sleep by reducing stress and promoting relaxation, leading to deeper and more restful sleep.
Reduced Anxiety: Listening to silence can help calm the mind and reduce feelings of anxiety, helping one feel more relaxed and at peace.
Increased Creativity: When the mind is quiet, it becomes easier to tap into one's creativity, leading to new insights, ideas and inspiration.
Inner Peace: Regularly listening to silence can help one connect with their inner self, leading to a sense of inner peace, calm, and clarity.
(Sources: The above conclusions are drawn from these scientific research studies on the benefits of quiet.)
Our Advantage
Culture of Quiet: Reducing noise pollution is not the same as quiet conservation
First Mover: No other organisation is about quiet preservation
Experience with Quiet: Over 50 years of experience in quiet
Social Movement: Quiet Parks International is a social movement made of people across the world - from investors to volunteers - who believe in quiet
Proven Methodology: Co Founder, Gordon Hempton’s, methodology is tested and proven over the decades
Standards Committee: Quiet Parks International committee members are among the best in the industry from across the world