Quiet Parks International awarded the Urban Quiet Park status to Hampstead Heath in London on July 18, 2021
Quiet Parks International awarded the Urban Quiet Park status to Hampstead Heath in London on July 18th, 2021 - World Listening Day.
Hampstead Heath Urban Quiet Park became the first Urban Quiet Park in Europe.
“My evaluation of the Heath has shown that it provides the important experience of being able to fully immerse oneself within the natural environment, with seclusion from the city, and the level of quiet we expect from a Quiet Urban Park”, says Nicholas Allan, field recordist and UK representative for Quiet Parks International.
“It’s well established that noise has a direct, negative impact on our physical and mental health and that contact with nature, the ability to listen to nature and daily doses of calm and quiet have positive effects,” says Ulf Bohman, QPI Executive Director of Urban Quiet Parks.
The Hampstead Heath Management Committee received this award for protecting Hampstead Heath’s quiet over many decades. This award aligned with the year’s celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Hampstead Heath Act 1871, which marked the beginning of open spaces preservation.
Chair of the City of London Corporation’s Hampstead Heath Management Committee, Anne Fairweather, said: “We are delighted the Heath has been recognised as Europe’s first urban quiet park. It is a truly treasured, iconic green space, where visitors can take time out to relax. The Heath has played a leading role in the physical and mental health of Londoners by providing a lifeline during the coronavirus pandemic. As the capital reopens, it is proving a popular and much-loved destination and wildlife haven.”
The Noise Abatement Society, which works closely with UK government, local governments, industry, academic institutions and the public shared this award.
More Urban Quiet Parks are planned for Judarskogen, Hansta, Älvsjöskogen, Kyrkhamn och Sätraskogen parks in Stockholm, Sweden, in September, followed by Dender-Marke Quiet Area in Flanders, Belgium. New York Central Park’s The Rambles and Houston’s Armand Bayou Nature Preserve are also likely to receive Urban Quiet Park status before the end of this year. Yangmingshan Urban Quiet Park, Taiwan, became the World’s First Urban Quiet Park in 2020.
Quiet tourism has been listed among the key factors in post-Covid economic recovery.
About Hampstead Heath
Hampstead Heath is London’s third largest green space and an escape within easy reach of millions of Londoners. The Heath with its wild and natural state and unique views offers plenty of opportunity to find refuge from the noise of the city and listen to the sounds of nature.
Hampstead Health is steeped in history with many famous names in the world of literature being inspired by its secluded, ancient woodlands coupled with open meadows which provide unique views of the city. Due to the Heath’s sheer size, hilly topography and wooded perimeter, extraneous noise levels are low. During the working week quiet areas can be found throughout, and, despite the high visitor numbers, those seeking to find quiet on sunny weekends can do so by avoiding the busiest times of the day.
About QPI
Quiet Parks International, a non-profit organisation based in Los Angeles, is on a mission to save quiet for the benefit of all life by establishing Urban Quiet Parks, Wilderness Quiet Parks, Quiet Trails, Quiet Marine Parks and more, worldwide. Quiet is essential not only for human health and welfare but also for wildlife who require a clean acoustic environment to communicate and complete their life-cycle.

Photo credit: Quiet Parks International and Carlos Fresneda
Press Contact
Quiet Parks International:
Gordon Hempton, Executive Director of Media Affairs, gordon@quietparks.org, cell +1-360-477-9588, Skype ID quiet.planet1
Vikram Chauhan, President and Co-Founder: vikram@quietparks.org
Ulf Bohman, Executive Director of Urban Quiet Parks: ulf@quietparks.org
Nicholas Allan, Field Recordist, UK: nicallansound@icloud.com
Hampstead Heath, Matthew Cooper, Culture Communications Officer, City of London Corporation: matthew.cooper@cityoflondon.gov.uk
Noise Abatement Society, Simon Gosling: simongosling@quietmark.com